Computer name

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Computer name is the name of a client-operated computer. The computer name has the format dept123123, where the first part is usually an abbreviation for the department owning the computer or the location of the computer. The numbers are correspondingly the two last parts of the IP address.

A unique, decisive name

The computer name must be unique at UiB. When a PC is replaced, the computer name is normally passed on to the new computer. This is because the computer name and/or IP address decides which software is installed, and which systems are accessible from the computer. If two PCs have the same computer name, the first one receives the correct IP address, software and access rights. The second machine will normally not get access to the network, and thus will neither have the correct software nor have access to net applications.

How to find the computer name

To find the computer name of a UiB PC, you may do the following (for Windows):

  • SelectSupport on the Start menu (in Windows 7, you must first select All programs)
  • SelectShow Computer Info
  • SelectOK or pressEnter

The computer name will now be visible at the top of the list.

Most UiB PCs also have a label (often yellow or white) with the computer name.