Skype for Business

From IThelp
Revision as of 06:59, 7 December 2018 by Ala059 (talk | contribs)

Skype for Business (SfB) is a Microsoft program that enables you to communicate with others via instant messaging (IM), audio / voice and video calls. Skype for Business will be the primary phone solution at UiB in 2018.

When you start making calls with SfB, your regular physical office phone will be taken out of service, but you will keep your phone number (e.g 5558****). In case you only have a mobile phone covered by UiB today, you will not be able to call external calls with SfB, but you can 'skype' colleagues at UiB and use SfB for video conferencing and instant messaging.

On this page you will find information and user guides to get started with your new phone and collaboration tool. We recommend that you start with this course: E-learning course UiB

How to install

On a UiB proviced PC, Skype for Business will already be installed.

On a UiB mac, SfB is provided via Managed Software Center


All UiB employees have access to Skype for Business with basic functions, but in order to make an external calls, you must also have a UiB phone number. Students and guests, by default, are not provided with SfB, but exceptions are made at the discretion of the department/institute.


Getting Started with Skype for Business on Windows

UiB Mac

Getting Started with Skype for Business on Mac

Mobile Android

Getting Started with Skype for Business on Android Phone

Mobile iOS

Getting Started with Skype for Business on iPhone

Purchasing Guide

Headset and Camera Purchase Guide