Software on UiB PCs

From IThelp
Revision as of 13:21, 22 November 2012 by Rul067 (talk | contribs)

For UiB PCs set up by the IT-department, both Windows and Linux, the software gets distributed centrally. That means that all the software usually get added from the IT-department. Software can only be added from the IT-departmentif there exists an installation package of the software.

Some software aren't covered by the site licence (licence for UiB), but covered by a purchase agreement. It is the departments responisibility to buy licenceses if needed.

The IT-department offers client setup for Windows and Linux. For Mac there are some services available, but centralised software distribution is (for now) not available. Therefore, the software needs to be manually installed.

How to get software installed

To get a certain software (that has an installation package) installed on your computer, you need to get in contact with the IT-departments support for staff (BRITA). You can do this by making an issue in, by calling 555 84700 (staff only). Remember to state your machine name.

If the software requires a licence, please have that sorted out before getting in touch with the IT-department. The IT-department will not add the software to your machine before the softwares licence is ordered. The person responsible for ordering, is also responsible for ordering licences. The order will be documented by adding the order confirmation to the issue, or by giving the IT-department the PM-number that you recieve when ordering through Basware PM (such as Adobe software).

For software where no installation package exist, a package needs to be made. When obtaining new software, it is important that you are aware of which software licences that can be used at UiB. If you are not sure about this, please contact the IT-department.

Oversikt over hvilke programmer som til en hver tid er tilgjengelig i pakke for klientdriftede Windows-maskiner:

For tida er vi i en overgangsfase mellom Windows XP og Windows 7. Mange av programpakkene må lages på nytt for Windows 7, og noen programmer fungerer ikke på Windows 7 før det evt. er kommet nye versjoner. Det finnes en liste over programpakker for Windows XP som ikke virker med Windows 7. Har du behov for ytterligere informasjon om hvilke programmer som virker på de ulike Windows-versjonene, kontakt BRITA.

id="Programvare_for_klientdriftede_Linux-PC-er" name="Programvare_for_klientdriftede_Linux-PC-er" _moz_dirty="" Programvare for klientdriftede Linux-PC-er

Oversikt over programvare som er pakket for Linux-klienter finner man i Ubuntu Software Center på de enkelte klientdriftede Linux maskiner.

id="Programvare_for_klientdriftede_Mac-er" name="Programvare_for_klientdriftede_Mac-er" _moz_dirty="" Programvare for klientdriftede Mac-er

IT-avdelingen tilbyr foreløpig ikke klientdrift med sentralisert programvaredistribusjon for Mac. Derfor må programvaren installeres manuelt på Mac.

Klientdrift for Mac er under utvikling.

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