Skjemaker - a self-help tool for creating forms

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Servicename: Skjemaker( A self-help web based tool to help you create forms)

The IT-Department has now upgraded their web-based form making tool Skjemaker - – with new functions. Users can now make simple registration forms. All the data is located in one place and very easily accessible.

What type of forms can be created using Skjemaker?

  • Registration forms where there is no need for advanced rapport functionality.
  • Registration forms for courses, seminars and conferences.
  • Registration forms for social events.
  • Questionnaires.
  • Evaluation forms.

What is new in the latest version of Skjemaker?

1: Use of conditional logic in order to show/hide certain fields or pages:

Skjemaker will now support the displaying/hiding of fields, and you can make users move to a specified webpage based on their answers. This function is very useful if you need to ask different questions to different users. It can save you the trouble of making many forms and it can same the users time of answering unnecessary questions.

2: Displaying the list of participant:

The list of people participating can now be displayed to everyone. To turn this on, go to ”Form Properties”/”show more options” -> “Allow Submissions to be shown(only name)” In order to do this, you need to add “name” field when creating a form.

3: Support “Multi-page” forms:

You can split a form into multiple pages and see when it is completed by using progression indicators.

4: Save forms before publishing and complete them at a later stage.

5: Supports multiple languages.

6: Responsive web design and adaptation to be used on mobile devices.

The webpage will change dynamically depending on the screen size used to view it.

7: Help functions for a form users about the different fields in the form.

8: Supports automatic sending of e-mail to participants to confirm their registration.

9: Supports automatic sending of e-mail to participants who have not responded.

10: Supports predetermined action and scheduling.

11: Supports the limitation of responders to a maximum number of participants.

12: Supports forwarding the participant to a different webpage.

Simpler forms

The IT-Department offers a web-based tool called “Skjemaker” for creating simpler forms with standard functionality.

“Skjemaker” is a “self-help” tool which is suitable for registration of smaller events, course evaluations, simple applications, etc. You can easily add standard elements by clicking on them and “pulling” them into the form. The content is easy to adapt to your specified need.


Skjemaker has a very low threshold and most students and employees will be able to create forms with any help or assistance. There is a built in help function and a free training video that is available online. The IT-Department does not have any user assistance on the use of Skjemaker. But if you have questions that are not answered on our webpages or experience problems with tool, please contact us through UiBhjelp, or on phone 55584700.

To see how the tool works, login at skjemaker and start creating your first form. You can easily delete any form you have created.

What can I use this tool for?

  • You can very easily create different types of web-based forms,
depending on your specific needs, without any assistance from the IT-Department. 
  • You can design and administer these forms yourself.
  • You can control which of the participants that are allowed to answer the form.
  • All your data is stored in a server at the University, which improves the safety of the data

and makes its easily accessible for your use.

Who can use Skjemaker?

All students and employees at the University of Bergen can use Skjemaker.

How do I get started?

Go to the Skjemaker webpage and log in with your UiB username and password. The administrator for the form is the one who is creating it. The form administrator controls the forms content and other participant’s access to it. Access is given by sending e-mail from skjemaker. The administrator can also add a password which is need to gain access to the form.

Remember! The tool is not always everything.(The linked page contains general questions that should be asked when creating questionnaires.)


In order to get the information you want and in the shape you want it, it is important to know the functions that are available in the tool.

Built-in elements that can be pulled into a form:

  • Single-line text: Text field with just one line.
  • Paragraph test: Text field with multiple lines.
  • Multiple Choice: The participants can choose one of the alternatives.
  • Checkboxes: The participants can choose many of the alternatives.
  • Drop-down: A simple drop-down menu.
  • Date: Separate fields for day, month and year.
  • Time: Separate field for minutes, hours and time of day.
  • Name: Text field for the name of the participant.
  • Email: Text field for the e-mail of the participant.
  • Phone: Fields that are formatted to containing phone-number and a possible country code.
  • Address: Separate text fields for entering the different parts of a participants address.
  • Web site: Field where participants can enter a website address.
  • Price: Field used to specify a price, support $US dollar, euro and yen.
  • Section break: Can be used to split up the form into sections.
  • File upload: Can be used to upload a file.
  • Page break: Can be used to break the form into separate pages.
  • Multiple choice with matrix: Can be used to ask participants multiple choice questions where they answer one of the option in the matrix.
  • You can use the elements in any order you wish, depending on your needs. The administrator can select the text for each element and they are to a certain degree adaptable. E.g., you choose to make it mandatory to answer certain elements when filling out the form.

Properties for each form:

The following properties can be set for each form:

  • Form title: The administrator can add a title to the form.
  • Description: Can be used to describe the form and give a set of instructions to the participant.
  • Turn on Password Protection: Sets a password that a participant needs in order to register.
  • Turn on Spam Protection (CAPTCHA): When activated, this will generate a random word on the forms webpage. This is to eliminate the use of robots and automate spam programs.
  • Limit One Entry Per User: Can be used to make sure a participant can only fill in the form one time.
  • Show Review Page Before Submitting: Gives the participants a preview of their answers before they submit their registration.
  • Success Message: Is used to notify a participant that the form was successfully registered.
  • Emails: Can be used to give the administrator an automatic e-mail confirmation of each registration from a participant. Can also be used to send out an automatic e-mail receipt from the administrator to the registered participants.
  • Embed Code: Can be used to generate code that can be put on your web server to be able to receive registration through a web page.
  • Edit CSS: Makes it possible to edit the style sheets which will change the appearance of the web page.

Submission limit: Used to limit the number of people who are allowed to complete the form.

  • Show submissions: Displays a list with the names of participants.

Automatic Scheduling: Makes it possible for the administrator to control what time and date a form should be available.

Instruction videos for Skjemaker

Error in widget YouTube: unable to write file /var/www/app/wiki/sites/ithelp/code/extensions/Widgets/compiled_templates/wrt67819a6bd75515_04618548


Can I add clickable links in to my form?

Answer: Yes, to do this add a the URL into a HTML of the form <a></a>. You can also add links to documents.


- <a href="URL">Name of link</a>
- <a href="">Skjemaker</a>

But, be aware, if you forget to close your HTML tags, your Skjemaker form might stop working!