Managed Windows 10 Lab-PC

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NOTE: The following solution is only for Lab-PC/equipment that do NOT contain/process sensitive data. About Sensitive data:

This solution is meant for Lab-PC that:

  • Is connected to lab equipment/instrument
  • The Lab-PC is running software that demands to be run as one specific user
  • There is a need to monitor running experiments from outside the lab
  • There is a need for supplier technicians to configure Lab-PC

Managed Windows 10 Lab-PC’s will be connected to regular UiB-network, and will be exposed to internet. The lab-administrator/research group is responsible for usage within current regulations.

For more information/questions contact


  • Windows 10 UiB-configuration, with automatic logon of common lab-user (common lab-user for the Lab-PC's that belong to the research group).
  • If needed, users can themselves choose to pause windows updates for up to 35 days. Read more here
  • The possibility for several users to be administrators on the Lab-PC with their own UiB-account. (These users must enter their personal UiB-credentials in order to install software on the Lab-PC)
  • Self-service (via, where the lab-responsible themselves can choose who have administrator-rights on Lab-PC's, and who can use remote access.
  • Remote-access to Lab-PC via Website.
  • The possibility for external technicians to gain remote access to the Lab-PC via TeamViewer Quick Support.
  • The option to order central storage for the research group, where the Lab-PC can store research data. Read more

Not included as standard

  • Storage/backup for Lab-PC, unless it has been specifically agreed upon/ordered.
  • Restoration of Lab-PC local data after a critical failure. The lab-responsible/research group is responsible for backing up data / in cooperation with the IT-department.
  • Extended support of software/equipment that the research group have installed/configured themselves.