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Lab-IT is a new service provided by the IT department and developed in close collaboration with the laboratory environments. Lab-IT will ensure that unsecured and vulnerable instruments can be securely connected to the UiB network.
herefore, we should make demands in the requirement specification This web page is under construction
Lab-IT is a new service provided by the IT department and developed in close collaboration with the laboratory environments. Lab-IT will ensure that unsecured and vulnerable instruments can be securely connected to the UiB network.
Connect a Lab-PC to Lab-IT
Lab-Administrator create an issue at and give relevant information like building, department, research group etc.
The Lab-Administrator manage access. If you like access, contact your Lab-Administrator.
Copy raw data from Lab-PC
Lab-PC connected to Lab-IT will have raw data automatically copied from the Lab-PC to a temporary common area (Lab-IT storage). The common area are available from your office computer. The copy frequency are usually once per hour, but there may be local adaptations. In the Lab storage, regular lab users have read-only access only and Lab-Administrator have write access. Data should be copied to the desired permanent area for further processing.
Monitoring and remote access
Monitoring and remote access to Lab-PC’s are possible by terminal servers. You must use RDP to connect to the terminal server, se the guide below.
Image/backup of Lab-PC installasion and setup
Some Lab-PC have a complicated installation or setup, and it can be difficult to recreate if anything bad should happen. IT-department can make an image of the hard drive that can be restored. It is possible to extract files form the image as well.
Be aware of:
- It is not possible to make image of all Lab-PC
- Sometimes, it is not possible to restore the image to another hard drive.
Would you like an image of a Lab-PC then you make an issue at
Installasjon og drift
Managed Lab-PC
The IT department is developing a special setup for Windows 10 that is particularly suited for lab PC.
Stand-alone/unmanaged Lab-PC
Unmanaged Lab-PC (not manged by IT-deparment) can have raw data automatically copied to the Lab-IT storage and be monitored by a teminal server.
Long-term archiving
The IT department are developing an archive for long-term archiving of large amounts of «cold data”. If you like more information then make an issue at [BRITA/brukerstøtte]
Please report errors at
Questions can be asked at
Would you like to suggest any changes in the setup at a specific laboratory, please contact Lab-Administrator? If you like to suggest any generally changes to the Lab-IT setup please make an issue at
Purchasing instruments
IT-department would like to give advice regarding to procurement of instruments. Supplies rarely consider IT-security or IT-management when they develop this kind of instrument and software. That is why these Lab-PC are vulnerable even they are new. Therefore, we should make demands in the requirement specification. If you like support from IT-department in this matter please make an issue at
Overview LAB-IT
Institute | Researchgroup | Lab-Administrator(s) | Terminalserver | Path | BILLY |
GEO | CT | ||||
GEO | EARTHLAB | [Eivind Wilhelm Nagel Støren] | XENON | \\\FELLES\LAB-IT\GEO\EARTHLAB\ | \\\FELLES\BILLY\Prosjekt\EARTHLAB\ |
GEO | ELMI | ||||
GEO | FARLAB | [Pål Tore Mørkved] | HELIUM | \\\FELLES\LAB-IT\GEO\FARLAB\ | NA |
GEO | GC-MS | ||||
GEO | ICP | ||||
GEO | RAMAN | ||||