Eduroam configuration for Windows 7

From IThelp

en: Eduroam configuration for Windows 7

How to setup eduroam on windows 7

1. Be certain your wireless connection is activated/enabled

2. Right click the wireless network symbol in the bottom right hand corner of your screen and choose "Open Network and sharing Center" ( The wireless network symbol look similar to a flight of stairs, a red x over the symbol means your wireless nettwork card is switched off).

3. Choose the alternative "Set up a new connection or network"

4. Choose "Manually connect to a wireless network"

5. Check that the configuration information matches the information in the screenshot below. Choose "Next"

Fil: Informasjon om trådløs tilkobling.png

6. Choose "change connection properties"

7. A new dialog box appears with two window tabs, "Connection" and "Security". Click on the secuirty tab and check that the configuration information matches the information in the screenshot below


8. Fill out the information as shown below (Do not click on the choice for "Addtrust External CA Root")

8.1 Select the button "Configure" next to "Secured password (EAP-MSCHAP v2)"

8.2 Turn off automatically using Windows username and password

9. Click OK twice to get back to the first security tab and choose the button "Advanced settings"

File:W7 eduroam sec NO.png

10. Select "" and "user " in the pull down menu then click "OK" twice

File:W7pkt8 NO.png

11. Right click again the wireless network symbol in the bottom right hand corner of your screen

12. Choose "eduroam"

13. Choose "Connect to"


14. Insert your username ( and password (if your password contains special characters you may have trouble connecting to eduroam, visit to change your password)


15. Du skal nå være tilkoblet eduroam. Dersom du har problemer med å koble til eduroam etter nedleggingen av det gamle UIB-nettverket, kan du følge de neste stegene. You should now be connected to eduroam.

Kategori:Windows Kategori:Bruksanvisninger