Prosjekt.uib.no is a web based tool for collaboration, overview and internal information flow in projects. It can also be used to find and maintain an overview of projects and participants. All information is located in one place and is easily accessible via the web browser on http://prosjekt.uib.no.
Prosjekt.uib.no is an installation of Redmine, which is available as open source code with a GPLv2 licence.
What can prosjekt.uib.no be used for?
It is a tool for project work and work that resembles projects. It is therefore best suited for tasks that:
- have a defined duration
- require different types of resources
- have a specific result
- are interdisciplinary and have participants from different groups, sections, departments or units
- require project follow up and coordination
Prosjekt.uib.no can be used, for example, to collect and maintain information about projects and any sub-projects, including:
- mandate
- calendar
- Gantt chart
- members and their roles
- roles
- structure of any sub-projects
- progress/status, including for sub-projects
- activities, with type, status, priority, responsibility etc.
- updates
In the reporting tool, you can create self-defined queries both for individual projects and for all projects linked to a unit.
What can prosjekt.uib.no not be used for?
- Financial management of projects is not part of this tool. The University's financial systems are used for this, such as the PA project accounts module (Norwegian page) for externally financed projects.
- Prosjekt.uib.no must not be used for sensitive personal data or data that is subject to approval by the Data Protecion Agency
Who is prosjekt.uib.no for?
All employees and students at the University of Bergen can have access to this tool. It can also be used as a management tool for administrative leaders.
English, Norwegian and a wide range of other languages can be selected for the individual user.
Why is it useful for you and for the University?
- All those involved can have a good overview of all tasks and deadlines at all times.
- This can mean better project planning and follow up
- Projects and project members are visible to others
- Distribution of responsibilities and roles can be tailored to the individual project
- It can provide better resource management in projects
- Documentation for projects can be located in the same place
- It can provide a better overview of the University's activities
- It can contribute to better interdisciplinary collaboration, thus saving duplicated work and increasing learning right across the organisation
How to get started?
Project managers/project executives
- Log on to https://prosjekt.uib.no with your University of Bergen user name and password.
- When a project manager/project executive has logged on for the first time, an issue must be registered to user support on https://bs.uib.no/. They will then receive the necessary rights and access on https://prosjekt.uib.no.
- The following information must be included when you report an issue in to Brita:
- Names of who shall have access to prosjekt.uib.no
- The organisational unit to which the project belongs to
- Project name
- Basic training in the use of prosjekt.uib.no will be considered for local project executives.
- After you have logged on for the first time, the project manager or project executive must give you the necessary rights and access to the project.
Instructions for use and documentation
- Instructions for use in English are on the Redmine website, which can be accessed by clicking "Help" in prosjekt.uib.no.
- Prosjekt.uib.no - administration of projects describes administration of projects and settings for project managers and project executives.
- Prosjekt.uib.no - roles describes the roles that can be assigned to users.