My email address

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Revision as of 11:45, 5 December 2014 by Ihu041 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "no:E-postadressen_min All students and staff at UiB must have their own IT user account in SEBRA and there is an email associated that account. ==Students== Student emai...")
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All students and staff at UiB must have their own IT user account in SEBRA and there is an email associated that account.


Student email has addresses like this It will also work with Do you already have another email address that you would like to use? It is possible to set up an automatic forwarding of emails from your UiB email to your private email address


Please see - New and easy e-mail address for the staf Staff email has addresses like this, where "unit" is replaced with an abbreviation for the unit you belong to. Employees in central administration have an email like this For staff it also works with an address like this