Mac OS X: PullPrint - Single sided printing
From IThelp
Duplex printing is the default choice for Mac (and Windows). Here are some examples of how you can choose single sided printing for Ricoh and HP printers. The guidance addresses the single sided printing in MS Word, LibreOffice Writer and Adobe Reader (PDF). To display the Printer menu, press "cmd" + "p"
Ricoh skriver (Ricoh PS)
Where it says "Copies & Pages", select a "Layout" instead.
In the field "Two-Sided" choose "Off"
HP skriver (HP PS)
Where it says "Copies & Pages", select a "Layout" instead.
In the field "Two-Sided" choose "Off"
LibreOffice Writer
Ricoh skriver (Ricoh PS)
Uncheck "Two Sided"
HP skriver (HP PS)
Uncheck "Two Sided"
Adobe reader
Ricoh skriver (Ricoh PS)
Uncheck "Two Sided"
HP skriver (HP PS)
Uncheck "Two Sided"