Expired or forgotten password

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Revision as of 06:43, 19 July 2013 by Ruq003 (talk | contribs)

For safety reasons, the IT-department does not send passwords to users in any way, nor via mail or email.


If you are a student, you can acquire a new password as follows, go to https://sebra.uib.no and choose the option ‘student’ under the ‘forgotten password’ heading on the left of your screen. To complete this action you have to have the PIN-code you use for Studentweb, your studentnumber, and your social security number.

If you have forgotten you PIN-code, then you need to contact the student desk (Langenesgaten 1. more info here) in order to acquire a new PIN-code. The same course of action should be taken if one has forgotten ones username.

Employees and other

Employees and other persons who have a useraccount at UiB must contact the approver at the institute or department of which they belong a list of opprovers may be found here., Liste over godkjenner ved instituttene og avdelingene finner du her. It is also possible for employees and other persons with UiB user accounts to visit the IT-departments support center BRITA i Nygårdsgaten 5.

NB! Always remember to bring valid identification!

Contact BRITA

There are no stupid, or silly questions when it comes to IT security. If you have a question, then call BRITA at (555) 84700, or register a question at https://bs.uib.no, and we will do our best to help you.