Keyboard settings

From IThelp
Revision as of 12:01, 24 May 2012 by Nbofh (talk | contribs)
Under construction! This article is under construction! The article might exist in norwegian. Look for a language link in the left margin. Last update: 24.05.2012 by Nbofh

Different methods for setting a different keybard setup depending on your window manager.


The topic is covered in the article Making the thesaurus work in Microsoft Office 2010. Please have a look at the section dealing with [settings] there.



  1. Open System->Settings->Keyboard
  2. Choose Layouts
  3. Add preferred language setup and choose default
  4. To add new keyboard layouts press Add

To toggle between different layouts while working:

  1. Right click panel and choose Add to panel
  2. Add Keyboard Indicator

A Keyboard switcher appears in panel. Click to toggle keyboard layous. Right click to set up.

