Dimdim - pilot is closed

From IThelp
Revision as of 06:42, 30 April 2010 by Edpjm (talk | contribs)

UiB's IT department is piloting a web conferencing tool called Dimdim until the end of July 2010.

What is Dimdim?

It is a tool that you can use to meet people virtually over the web in a virtual room. In the room you can:

  • share Powerpoint presentations
  • share pdf files
  • share web sites
  • share your desktop (if your pc is Windows or Mac)
  • see the meeting leader and one other person (and rotate who this is)
  • hear up to 5 people at the same time (and rotate who this is)
  • chat interactively with each other or privately with a particular person

What Equipment Do I need If I want To Use Dimdim?

To use the product you will need:

  • a pc (Windows, Mac or Linux)
  • a web browser with flash (Firefox and Internet Explorer have been tested, Chrome does not seem to work)
  • If you want to share your desktop, we need to distribute a program to your pc (this feature is not available for linux clients).
  • To talk, you will need a microphone.
  • To be seen you will need a web camera.
  • To hear others your pc will need to be able to deliver sound, eg to earphones.

Do I need a user account?

Someone needs to run the meeting. If that is you, then you need to be a UIB user. You can then book a meeting through the Dimdim booking application, and we will allocate a room for your meeting. The people who you meet with, can be anywhere in the world. They do not need to have a UIB account, but we will need an email address for them. They will be sent a link and a pass-code so they can attend the meeting with you.

Do I need training to use this product?

We hope that this will be a product which is intuitive to use, but because this is a pilot, we would like people to know a bit about the pilot itself, the processes in place and the type of feedback we would like. We also want to make sure that you make a successful start at using the product. For that reason we would like those people who are going to run a meeting to have a session with us, before they start.

For people who are just joining a meeting organised by somebody else, we recommend that you join one of the dimdim customer care sessions, before you go to your first “real” meeting. This will give you a chance to make sure that your microphone and webcamera is working ok, and let you see the product before you use it in anger.

How do I start using the product

- Book a meeting at https://skjema.app.uib.no/dimdim
- Or contact us to arrange a demo

I have some views on this product, where can I share them?

This is a pilot, so we really would be very grateful for any feedback you care to give - negative or positive. Is this a product which is helpful or not? Is it friendly or unfriendly? Is it great or is it awful? If you have a view, please send an email to angela.tuck@it.uib.no.