Exchange Online Archive

From IThelp
Revision as of 05:57, 6 August 2020 by Edmmb (talk | contribs)

Outlook/Exchange automatically archives any e-mail and calendar entry that are more than a year old. These will always be available in the Outlook program when you are connected to the internet, as well as in and via

Some mail programs are not able to use the online archive, examples of this may be: Smart phones, Ipads and in-built mail clients for Mac ("Mail" app). If you wish to access the archive from your Mac, you should use Outlook from Office 2016, or

(Please note that Office 2016 on Mac requires OSX 10.10 or OSX 10.11.)

You will find the archive in your mailbox/folder list. It will look as a copy of your mailbox. This means that it is set up with the same folder structure. When you search for an e-mail, the search will include the archive. It is only when you browse a folder you will notice that you can't see e-mails older than 1 years in the same folder.