Mac OS X: UiB Tools

From IThelp
Revision as of 10:59, 3 September 2014 by Ala059 (talk | contribs)

Brief introduction to UiB Tools on Mac client

UiB Tools is a small program that gives you access to install some relevant configurations on your client UiB operated Mac.

Functions available (pr: 20.august 2014):

  • Connect to your Windows homedirectory
  • Connect to your Unix homedirectory (requires password)
  • Connect to UiB VPN (requires password)
  • Reauthenticate to Kerberos (requires password)


Information provides relevant technical information.

  • IP-Adress shows you the address of the machine have been identified with the UiB network.
  • Line two shows you the address of the home directory (20GB) on UiB servers. Click "Open" to open the folder in the file explorer.
    • Open is clickable only when you have an IP address from UiB
  • Line three shows you the address of the home directory (50GB) on UiB servers. Click "Open" to open the folder in the file explorer.
    • Open is clickable only when you have an IP address from UiB


[[File:Uibtools actions.png|400px]

Actions area contains buttons that you can press to perform actions.

  • Connect to VPN tries to connect to UiB's virtual private network. You will be prompted to enter a username and password.
    • This button is only clickable when you DO NOT have an IP address from UiB.
  • Re-authenticate allows you to reestablish your authentication. This may be necessary if the machine has been long away from UiB and / or it's a long time since you made your login.
    • This button is only clickable when you have an IP address from UiB and your existing authentication session has expired.
    • NB! The machine performs re-authentication automatically each time you log in (if you're at UiB network).
  • Re-apply config
    • This button is only clickable when you have an IP address from UiB.
  • Quit application close UiB Tools.


Shares shows you the shared directory you can access.


UiB Tools is a tool constantly evolving, so features are being added continuously if we see demand for it. Check the version number to verify that you have the latest available version.