Exchange Online Archive

From IThelp
Revision as of 09:16, 21 January 2016 by Edmmb (talk | contribs)

The IT-department is introducing a new archiving function in Outlook/Exchange for E-mail.

Up until now, the email archiving function has only been available manually through .pst-files that have been generated by Outlook. This file only exist locally on the machine. With the new solution, there will not be a need for .pst-files.

The new solution will automatically archive any E-mail and calendar entry that are older than 2 years. They will always be available in the Outlook-client when you are connected to the internet, and via or

Some mail programs will not give access to the online archive, examples of this may be: Smart phones, Ipads and in-built mail clients for Mac ( If you wish to access the archive with a Mac, you can reach it through Outlook from Office 2016, or

We wish to bring attention to the fact that Office 2016 require OSX 10.10 or OSX 10.11.

You will find the archive under your mailbox, and will appear as a copy of your mailbox. This means that it is set up with the same folder structure. When you search for an E-mail, it will also search for it in the archive. It is first when you enter a specific folder, that you will not find E-mails older than 2 years.