About the login service
login.uib.no is open for logins through ssh from the all over the world. Services it provides are primarily console and further login access to other resource at UiB.
login.uib.no runs RedHat Enterprise Linux
Available software
login is not to be used to run graphical or processor-intensive software. If you have a need for software that you think should be on login, please tell us at http://bs.uib.no
File copy and synchronization of data
Login.uib.no has no capacity for any synchronizing services please use sync.uib.no for that.
Click here for more information about sync.uib.no
Technical information
login.uib.no is a virtual machine in our VMware Cluster. As of today it has no automatic failover but this will be setup as the new computer facility at Realfagsbygget moves to production.
Alternate login-service
If login.uib.no seems to be down or you have special needs, the ssh-service on alf.uib.no can also be used.