About the IT division

From IThelp
Revision as of 07:17, 11 July 2013 by Ngfbh (talk | contribs) (PC helpers -> IT-assistants)

The IT department offers standardised ICT services to UiB, including students, employees and visitors.


The IT department is organised in three sections and one administrative unit, with the IT director as the leader of the department. The sections cover the main work areas infrastructure, applications and user support. Each section consists of three or more groups. A total of around hundred people work full time and roughly half as many work part time as IT-assistants.

Contact information

Address: Visiting address: Telephone: (+47) 555 84700
IT department, UiB Expedition: Fax: (+47) 555 84299 / 555 84070
Mailbox 7800 Nygårdsgaten 5, 4th floor. E-post: post@
5020 Bergen (Stein Rokkans hus) Register a problem / Question


The Norwegian version of IT-help includes further details on the organisational structure and contact information for all individuals in each unit.

www.uib.no has an alphabetical list of employees and apprentices at the IT department.

The UiB internal phonebook is a searchable database including employees and students.