Mac OS X: UiB Tools: Difference between revisions

From IThelp
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[[File:Uibtools actions.png|right]]

Actions området inneholder knapper som du kan trykke på for å utføre handlinger.
Actions area contains buttons that you can press to perform actions.

* Connect to VPN prøver å koble deg til UiB sitt virtuelle private nettverk. Du blir bedt om å fylle inn brukernavn og passord.
* Connect to VPN tries to connect to UiB's virtual private network. You will be prompted to enter a username and password.
** Denne knappen er kun klikkbar når du IKKE har en IP-adresse fra UiB.
** This button is only clickable when you DO NOT have an IP address from UiB.
* Re-authenticate lar deg reetablere autentiseringen din. Dette kan være nødvendig om maskinen har vært lenge vekk fra UiB sitt nettverk og/eller det er lenge siden sist du foretok innlogging.
* Re-authenticate allows you to reestablish your authentication. This may be necessary if the machine has been long away from UiB and / or it's a long time since you made your login.
** Denne knappen er kun klikkbar når du har en IP-Adresse fra UiB og din eksisterende autentiseringsesjon er utgått.
** This button is only clickable when you have an IP address from UiB and your existing authentication session has expired.
** NB! Maskinen utfører re-autentisering automatisk hver gang du logger inn (når du er på UiB nett).
** NB! The machine performs re-authentication automatically each time you log in (if you're at UiB network).
* Re-apply config?
* Re-apply config
** Denne knappen er kun klikkbar når du har en IP-adresse fra UiB.
** This button is only clickable when you have an IP address from UiB.
* Quit application lukker programmet UiB Tools.
* Quit application close UiB Tools.



Shares området viser deg noen av fellesområdene du har tilgang til. NB! Denne funksjonaliteten er ikke klar enda.
Shares shows you the shared directory you can access.


UiB Tools er et verktøy i stadig utvikling, så funksjoner blir lagt til fortløpende dersom vi ser at det er etterspørsel etter det. Sjekk versjonsnummeret ditt for å verifisere at du har nyeste tilgjengelig versjon.
UiB Tools is a tool constantly evolving, so features are being added continuously if we see demand for it. Check the version number to verify that you have the latest available version.

Revision as of 16:42, 20 August 2014

Kort om UiB Tools på klientdriftet Mac

UiB Tools is a small program that gives you access to install some relevant configurations on your client UiB operated Mac.

Disse funksjonene er (pr: 11.august 2014):

  • Connect to your Windows homedirectory
  • Connect to your Unix homedirectory (requires password)
  • Connect to UiB VPN (requires password)
  • Reauthenticate to Kerberos (requires password)



Uibtools information.png

Information provides relevant technical information.

  • IP-Adress shows you the address of the machine have been identified with the UiB network.
  • Line two shows you the address of the home directory (20GB) on UiB servers. Click "Open" to open the folder in the file explorer.
    • Open is clickable only when you have an IP address from UiB
  • Line three shows you the address of the home directory (50GB) on UiB servers. Click "Open" to open the folder in the file explorer.
    • Open is clickable only when you have an IP address from UiB



Uibtools actions.png

Actions area contains buttons that you can press to perform actions.

  • Connect to VPN tries to connect to UiB's virtual private network. You will be prompted to enter a username and password.
    • This button is only clickable when you DO NOT have an IP address from UiB.
  • Re-authenticate allows you to reestablish your authentication. This may be necessary if the machine has been long away from UiB and / or it's a long time since you made your login.
    • This button is only clickable when you have an IP address from UiB and your existing authentication session has expired.
    • NB! The machine performs re-authentication automatically each time you log in (if you're at UiB network).
  • Re-apply config
    • This button is only clickable when you have an IP address from UiB.
  • Quit application close UiB Tools.


Uibtools shares.png

Shares shows you the shared directory you can access.


UiB Tools is a tool constantly evolving, so features are being added continuously if we see demand for it. Check the version number to verify that you have the latest available version.